Adventures in Anxiety: Medication Vlog, Part 1
Hi everyone! I know that I’ve taken a prolonged break from blogging to work on my anxiety memoir (which is coming along slowly but surely)… BUT I’M BACK!
2019 has been a relatively good year where my anxiety is concerned. While I still get occasional periods of higher anxiety and a very rare panic attack, it’s been a good year. Work is stable, life is stable, and things have felt — dare I say it — normal.
With that in mind, I’m working on titrating some of my medication to try to find a new level that I can take. My hope is to manage my anxiety with less medication so I can reduce the side effects.
There is a lot of stigma surrounding medication for mental illness, and that’s something that needs to change. So, to mix it up a bit, I created two vlogs about my anxiety and medication. Part 1 focuses on the medications that I take and what it was like to adjust to each of them.
Check out my vlog here — my first video on YouTube! And come back later this week to see Part 2!
Be well,